Our Values


We nurture a love of theatre by creating opportunities and community for people seeking artistic growth, no matter their experience level.


  • Artistic Growth - We strive for artistic excellence through collaboration, encouraging learning, and valuing enrichment over perfection.
  • Community - We create playful spaces and foster a diverse community for artists to gather. 
  • Inclusion with Intent - We are committed to ensuring accessibility and inclusion for our artists by respecting each individual we work with and prioritizing diversity in our hiring processes. We strongly encourage participation from people who identify as a member of an underrepresented or marginalized community – including but not limited to women, IBPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, and people with disabilities. 
  • Responsible Leadership - We as the Bramble team value people's input, being accountable for our choices, and showing humility and respect.
  • Thoughtfulness - We care about the people we work with, and we strive to be kind and considerate toward them.


A theatre community that is enriched by including all levels and valuing all experiences.