Vascular Necrosis

at the 2023 rEvolver Festival

About the Show:

Vascular Necrosis is an original, disjointed narrative that subverts typical zombie tropes to explore identity, mental illness, and belonging. Five years ago, Penelope killed herself. Four years ago, she rose from the dead as a man-eating monster. Now, with the help of “de-necrotizers” - medication meant to subdue these man-eating instincts - she gets to rejoin society in the land of the living. But how do you exist in a world you never wanted to be a part of? Vascular Necrosis follows Penelope’s journey as she’s torn between the life she had before and the after-life she wants to live. Audiences can expect a dark, funny, and thoughtful look into society as it attempts to "go back to normal" when everything about the world has been radically shifted. 
Vascular Necrosis poster. A closed, yellow pill bottle with the title on it.
Poster design by Samantha Walters
Photo of the author Jordyn Wood. They have blue hair and are smiling at the camera.
Photo by Nico Dicecco

About the Writer/Director:

Jordyn Wood (they/she) is a queer theatre artist living and working on the traditional ancestral territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Səl̓ílwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations, in so-called “Vancouver”. They hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Simon Fraser University's School of Contemporary Arts in the Theatre Performance stream. Their practice has been intentionally varied, jumping from devising to playwriting to directing to curating and producing. Their playwright credits include Dry Rot (Or Festival) and Grounded (Calgary Young People's Theatre), and their other recent works include directing MEDEA (Live Acts Vol. 1), and co-producing 2022's IGNITE! Youth-Driven Arts Festival.
Photos by Rashi Sethi (@rashi.gram)


Nyx Debogorski - BelaDanika Enad - PenelopeRehan Hafeez - Darren and moreAlexa McKee - CharlieMinou Truong - Alex, Jessie, and moreSamantha Walters - Mia, Doctor, and more/Graphic Designer


Meryl Stevens - Stage Manager


Jillian Burke - Assistant DirectorAbbey Macey - DramaturgJordyn Wood - Director and Playwright

Invited Private Workshop

Prior to the rEvolver Festival performance, Bramble hosted an invited private workshop of the show and invited audience feedback.

Workshop Readers:

River Chan - Alex, Will, and othersNyx Debogorski - BelaHannah Dyck-Chan - Doctor, Mia, and othersYooRa Kang - PenelopeEmilia Massoudi - Nurse, Darren, and othersDavid Volpov - Charlie